Could This Be You?

Could This Be You?
Each dot represents 1 of 4200 homes

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dream House Turns Into Their Worst Nightmare

 After Richard and Joyce Hudson got their letter from Ameren in 2010 saying they did not own their home they were confused.  They had jumped through all of the appropriate hoops.  They had gotten all of their building permits in order, they thought surely there had been a mistake.  They had no reason to believe the land they had purchased and built their dream house on belonged to Ameren. 

When they got their certified letter from Ameren in early 2010 that said their records showed they owned their property, and advised them to contact a surveyor prior to building anything since Ameren owned their lot.  But, they had applied for and gotten all necessary permits in 2008.  The county knew there was a house there.  Why did Ameren not say something at that time if they already knew where their project boundary was? 

Imagine the Hudson's frustration when they saw an Ameren representative state on TV in the last month that "everyone was made aware of this project boundary change in the SMP filed in March of 2008."  No one ever told them until their letter arrived in 2010.   How was "everyone" supposed to know about this?  Osmosis? 

Their life has been in a constant state of turmoil since the realization that this was not just a bad dream, but their reality. 

How can this be?  They have faithfully paid their taxes as did the owner prior to them had for decades.  Ameren has not.  The County Assessor verified in a recent town hall meeting that Ameren pays their taxes to the water's edge.  The responsibility of the home owner starts where the land and water meet.  However, Ameren keeps chanting the mantra that they own this property and a multitude of others "fee simple".  Fee simple means absolute ownership, but the first responsibility of ownership is to pay your taxes on that property.  Thus, it would stand to reason that the owners who have received letters that they don't own their property would find those letters to make no sense since their tax bills are current.  Or...if Ameren can verify that they have been paying taxes on those properties for decades as can the property owners can it would stand to reason that, potentially, the county has been receiving double payments on the same parcels for close to 70 years plus.  That could potentially be one heck of a refund owed property owners all over the lake if this can be substantiated by Ameren.

The Hudson's represent only a handful of the 1200 who have been "notified".  That has been one of the biggest contentions against Ameren since they know who those 1200 owners are, but they have not made any of them aware other than a very select few.  No one understands exactly why since the Hudsons got their certified letters back in 2010, almost a year and a half before the FERC Order was issued.  Why have the rest of the 1200 been kept in the dark?

The Hudsons have found it very frustrating trying to sound the alarm.  Most people must have thought that they were a little crazy when they told them that even though they had paid their taxes, and had applied for and received all pertinent permits to build, then they received the letter that notified them that even after they followed all of the rules set before them, they did not own their dream house.  People must have thought that they surely had just misunderstood.  I am certain some thought they must have got it wrong when they and their neighbors were screaming bloody murder.  It made no sense.  It still doesn't. How does this happen in the United States of America?  Even when they along with others have tried to get the attention of our Governor, they have only been met with the sound of crickets.   How alone and desperate they must feel. 

October 28, 2011

Governor Jay Nixon

Missouri State Capital

Jefferson City, MO

Re:  Our lake property at Camdenton, Ameren Project Boundary, FERC

Since enjoying the lake area for over 15 years by owning 3 condos and now building our retirement home on the Niangua arm in Lake Valley Estates, we are shocked and bewildered by the certified mail from Ameren we received in January 2010 stating Ameren owned our property.  We purchased the property in June 2008 from a friend, received the deed and got a building permit in Sept 2008 to build our home.   An Ameren representative stated on TV in the last month that everyone was made aware of this project boundary change in the SMP filed in March 2008.  Why didn’t somebody tell us in June 2008 and in September 2008???

Now our investment may be worthless. We live in the United States believing our rights are protected.  We are in our sixties and have worked to have everything we have.  We taught our children to work hard, be responsible, pay your bills and life would be fair.  Please tell us this letter is a big mistake.

In November last year we moved to our lake home.  Our property is located 44 miles from the dam.  How are we interfering with the operation of the power from the dam?  We have met our neighbors and understand some of the homes here were built in the 1980s.  In 1993 the flooding all over Missouri did not flood the lowest home.  Did anything impede on the Ameren UE Power at that time?

So can this be in fear of flooding?  With the many catastrophes that have happened in past years we could all be blown away by a tornado!  Is the government going to tell us we all have to live in basements next?

Earlier this year I sent e-mails to FERC and Ameren asking what was going on.  They returned calls with good intentions in work.   When the SMP was passed by FERC our fears became greater.  If this isn’t a big mistake by Ameren or FERC, then is it a land grab and/or more fees by Ameren and a government commission (FERC) over-reaching??

Please help with this problem.  This has to create a huge economic problem for Missouri, OUR state and community.

Yet, even when they cry out to the supreme authority of the state of Missouri, they are ignored. 
This has been the reality of our neighbors and the agony they have faced as of late.  It is also the reality of another 4100 or so others who own "encroaching structures" to this day and do not even have a clue.  Some stakeholders have been lulled to a false sense of security due to recent FERC and Ameren press releases saying that everything is fine.  It is not.  Remember that these guys who are currently figuring this thing out are the same guys who took us to this place.  Hard to trust?  You bet. 
Keep on the full court press.  This game is a long way from over.

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