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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Your Estoppel Is In The Mail

    Definition of ESTOPPEL:

    a legal bar to alleging or denying a fact because of one's own previous actions or words to the contrary.

    In other words...Everyone else stop asserting the truth. Ameren is going to decide for all of you property owners what the  truth is and should be, and should have been for decades even though it has been something else and everyone has accepted those truths (deeds) for decades.

    Ameren sent out letters to the 1500 people a couple of weeks ago who have “encroaching structures”within the project boundary. But wait, I thought we breathed a sigh of relief that those homes were “okay, and were going to be protected”. Remember when the FERC came out with their November clarification and spelled out the fact that they were going to force Ameren to remove those homes from the project boundary? Well, that part is going to happen for the benefit of the FERC. The project boundary IS getting moved so the FERC no longer looks like the Big Bad Wolf forcing the tear down of thousands of innocent property owners homes….but, not so fast on your sigh of relief.

    We must remember that over, and over, and over again we heard and read these words from Ameren:

    “The proposed boundary change does not change current property ownership.”

    See, a lot of unsuspecting property owners thought that this meant THEIR property ownership, thus what they understood to be their rights. WRONG. This has meant what Ameren perceives as their property rights all along.

    Now that Ameren cannot claim that they "have to do this becuase of the FERC and their federal license requirements" ,  Ameren has to make sure that they continue to asssert that the property that you have been paying taxes on for decades is still theirs. They are doing this through the vehicle of an estoppel certificate that is going to be recorded against your property if you are one of the "encroaching structures". This is not a favor from Ameren. Let's make that clear. This is an ugly document that asserts their rights over yours.


    When on the radio a couple a weeks ago about this issue, there were a some anonymous emailers who were upset because I was "scaring people" about what could happen. Well, here is the truth...if my house were an "encroaching structure" I would and should be very scared by the implications of this document. I would also be very angry because I KNOW the truth and KNOW that I have rights. I would choose not to be bullied. But, that is just me. For all of the rest of you who might want to slip into a state of "normalcy bias" and choose to believe Ameren is doing the right thing....then keep drinking the cool-aid. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.


    The letter sent out to the homeowners, from Ameren, clearly explains this to you below:


    March 5, 2012

    Dear :

    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is considering Ameren Missouri's proposal to revise and reduce the FERC "project boundary" to address encroaching structures at Lake of the Ozarks. According to our research, your home or other structure may be located on property owned by Ameren Missouri.

    Understand: Ameren is going to reduce the project boundary for the benefit of the FERC so your house is not ordered torn down, but they want for you to clearly remember that they assert your home is built on property Ameren still owns.

    If the FERC boundary adjustment is approved, your home (or other improvements) would no longer be located within the project boundary and therefore would not be subject to shoreline management or FERC regulatory requirements.

    However, what the estoppel certificate that they plan to record with your legal description will show that Ameren still contends that they own the ground that your home is built on.

    Assuming that FERC grants our request, Ameren Missouri also intends to file in the Recorder of Deeds Office(s) for Camden, Miller, Benton and Morgan Counties the enclosed Estoppel Certificate which provides an additional measure of assurance and protection to you, clarifying your current and future use and enjoyment of your home. An aerial photograph of the shoreline and the revised project boundary from which you can locate your own residence can be viewed at

    In particular, the Estoppel Certificate is:

    This is Ameren’s explanation to you that you do not own the property that your house sits on (but you still get to pay taxes on it).

    · A legally binding commitment by the Company that it will not take steps to remove existing structures located on Ameren Missouri property, provided that such structures are located outside the new project boundary.

    · A legally binding commitment by the Company that it will not take steps to remove structures that may be constructed in the future on Ameren Missouri property provided, again, that such structures are located outside the new project boundary.

    · Such commitment shall apply to all properties outside the project boundary that were acquired by Ameren Missouri's predecessor companies from the 1930s on including those properties acquired via condemnation.

    Ameren Missouri's ownership and easement interests in lakefront property have been a matter of public record since the 1930s. It is regrettable that over time third parties purported to convey title to lakefront property that Ameren Missouri actually owns or created plats and surveys that omitted Ameren Missouri’s property interests. (Yoohoo Ameren, remember your own admission in your boundary line amendment request to the FERC where you say, “ UED reserved an easement for the benefit of its successors and assigns to allow access and construction within the UELP Property or Project boundary” Construction has been allowed in that easement area by your own admission since the beginning for all successors and assigns.

    We are not requiring that homeowners revise their deeds to reflect Ameren Missouri's ownership. We believe the FERC order revising the boundary, coupled with the foregoing aspects of the Estoppel Certificate will provide clarification regarding improvements on these lands (The explicit clarification is that you do not own the grounds your home/improvements sit on. Ameren does and that there need be no further discussion....i.e. potential adverse possession suits).

     Furthermore, your interests in the property on which you have built a structure may be transferred freely without the consent or approval of Ameren Missouri (That is as long as a buyer understands that Ameren owns the property, and NOT you, and they are fine with it after full disclosure that what you are selling is NOT YOURS). Furthermore, consistent with past practice at the Lake of the Ozarks, Ameren Missouri's consent will not be required in the event a prospective property owner wishes to finance the acquisition of a home (IF a prospective buyer can get title insurance in order for the home to be marketable…that is the big question) located in part on our fee-owned property (Yet, another reminder the property is THEIRS and NOT YOURS).

    Our Lake of the Ozark's office is always available to answer property owner questions at 573-365-9212.


    Mark C. Jordan

    Ameren Services Company

    Managing Supervisor Real Estate


    So, what does this mean to you? Unfortunately if you got a letter like this one it is probably time to get advice from an attorney. Do not get warm fuzzies from this letter or the estoppels because you chose to be ignorant as to what those documents really mean. Know that a couple of local attorneys with title companies helped draft this document, so you may want to make sure the attorney you speak to had no part in the certificate being recorded against your property.

    Learn about the adverse possession argument , and know that since you have not been asked to sign and agree to the terms of the estoppel, you have not consented to it. Know that you do have rights. Talk to your neighbors, and come up with a plan as to where you go from here.

    An attorney that I know has a complete understanding of this issue and has been researching it for years and watching this fiasco is Tim Sear. He could give you and your neighbors some insight where to go from here. His information is below.

    Timothy J. Sear
    tel: 913.234.7402
    fax: 913.451.6205

    estoppel (n) - Bing Dictionary

    es·top·pel [ e stópp'l ]
    1. legal rule barring inconsistency: a legal rule that prevents somebody from stating a position inconsistent with one previously stated, especially when the earlier representation has been relied upon by others

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