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Could This Be You?
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Monday, January 9, 2012

What the 662 looks like from my perspective...

My backyard...the place where my family enjoys our summer evenings is not mine according to Ameren.  It is theirs.  Even though I pay taxes on it;  I mow it; I swing my kids on the swingset that sits on it; my family plays bean bag toss on it;  the place we shoot our fireworks from on the 4th of July; it is not mine if the 662 is accepted.  If that is true then ALL of the yard that you are looking at is not mine anymore according to the new maps output by Ameren.  And, I am just one of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of homeowners on LOZ where this statement will be true.  Therefore,  I am pretty sure that makes my property second tier.  I will be using their property reserved for "public access"...and I don't mean my invited guests.   From this point forward in order to enjoy what I have understood mine for the past 12 years (and for those in the decades before me) I have to submit to all of the new regulations that FERC and Ameren have for MY backyard in Appendix B of the SMP.  This picture shows you that the 662 is not a matter of just a couple of feet.  It is my whole entire back yard and probably yours, too.

If Ameren says it is theirs then they can pay taxes on it.  I will refuse. What will happen then?  Will I still be REQUIRED to pay taxes on property that is not mine?  How can they MAKE ME PAY TAXES ON SOMETHING THEY SAY THEY OWN FEE SIMPLE?    My property will not be worth that of a lake front property.  My value will be diminished if I do not own true lake front.  That is guaranteed.  Ameren will have to pay the taxes that make my property truly valuable if they say it is theirs, and the FERC says so, then they should have it all....including the tax bill for it.  What a mess the 662 will create. 

How do you think the owners of those mulit million dollar mansions in subdivisions like Porto Cima will feel when they realize that the true difference in the 660 and the 662 takes in their whole back yard?  How are they gonna like it when some of the LOZs finest  wander over from the Party Cove and decide to cove up and use the million dollar home owner's rip rap to build a camp fire pit?   And then~ GASP~ pitch a tent in their back yard since Ameren and the FERC are protecting that area for the "public use".   Heck, they may just stay and fish and swim and cook out all weekend on your property if they wish, and there is not going to be a darn thing you, the homeowner, can do about it if Ameren gets their way with the 662.  It should be fun to watch it all go down as the public gets a real education as to what the 662 really looks like up close and personal. It ain't gonna be pretty.  Guaranteed.

So as Ameren is saying that the public meetings were a huge success and an Ameren rep claims that this is what the majority of owners are asking for.....

“Although there are some people who want to see the boundary even lower, it was clear that the revision to 662 is well supported among most of the attendees.

Read the article here:

Is that true?  Is that what the EDUCATED public really wants?  If not encourage your neighbors and friends to say so to Ameren and your elected officials. 



(joyce Bush is her assistant)

Wanda Brown, State Rep:


Vicky Hartzler, US rep:


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