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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What Part of “NO THANK YOU” Does Ameren Not Understand?

Does anyone find it very offensive that when Ameren recently submitted their new “draft proposal” to the FERC, that referred to the flood of over 400 comments by LOZ Stakeholders (submitted in the darkest days of winter, over the Christmas holiday, in 30 short days) as misinformed?  Since you disagree with Ameren, you “misunderstood” what they are trying to do to HELP you.  In other words….you were not willing to drink the Cool-Aide.  You educated yourself and your neighbors, you stood with the Camden County Commission in their request for the 660 to preserve our economic engine at the lake, and you said “no thank you”.  In return you are referred to as a bunch of dummies who “don’t get it”.  Read below to see how Ameren relayed your overwhelming response to the FERC.

In all, over 400 comments were filed on the Draft Amendment Application and are addressed in

the comment summary table included in Appendix F. Of these comments, approximately 23

percent supported the proposed boundary amendment. However, many of the commenter’s

misunderstood certain critical aspects of the draft amendment application. The following is a

summary of these larger misunderstandings that Ameren Missouri addressed in its response to

Did you get that?  In 423 comments to be exact, ONLY 23% were in agreement with Ameren’s proposal.  In the last SMP where comments were requested the balance appeared to be from resource agencies or the members of the SMP team, NOT the public.  The majority in that case were in favor of Ameren.  This time the real representation of the true stakeholders was represented.  You spoke LOUDLY!  Check out the comments here:

Ameren’s response to the FERC based on the “misinformed” public:

Misunderstanding that the current FERC boundary is established at elevation 660’ and

that the proposed boundary is somehow adding property to the project. The FERC

Osage Project Boundary Amendment Application Rev 1 – 1/31/12 19 boundary has never been set at elevation 660’ and the boundary amendment application proposes to remove 28,251 acres of land from FERC jurisdiction.

Misunderstanding that the reason behind the amendment application is to allow for an

increase in fees to landowners with property remaining within the proposed boundary.

No part of this application proposes or contemplates increased permitting fees,

requirements for adjacent owners to lease Ameren Missouri shoreline lands for a fee, or

any changes to the way Ameren Missouri handles permits for docks, seawalls, ramps and

similar permitted facilities.

Misunderstanding that the amendment application is an attempt by Ameren Missouri to

seize private property and / or alter existing parcel lines. Parcel lines and property rights

will not change under this boundary amendment proposal, which is simply designed to

remove excess lands not needed for project operation from FERC jurisdiction.

Misunderstanding that the amendment application proposes boundary changes needed to

increase the water levels and the operating regime of the Osage Project. Ameren

Missouri is not proposing any changes to project operation, water levels, or the existing

guide curve at Lake of the Ozarks as part of this amendment application.

 Misunderstanding that the amendment application will result in unfettered public access

to private property within the FERC boundary. All Lake front properties have an

Ameren Missouri controlled strip of land adjacent to the lake that is project land and

accessible from the reservoir by the public. The proposed boundary amendment does not

change the currently defined access to project lands that the public and adjacent owners

have always enjoyed.

You should be applauded LOZ Stakeholders.  Now let us see how the FERC blows off the overwhelming majority.  It should be interesting.  What good is public comment if you are not going to consider it?  Keep up the good work.  Continue to talk to your neighbors and as the owners in your neighborhoods who have been gone all winter come back to the lake for the season, give them an earful.  Let them know exactly what is going on.  This fight is far from over.

Hey FERC and Ameren if you are reading this...just a little FYI...we understood with crystal clear clarity EXACTLY what your words meant. We have not been confused, and we are not stupid. We NEVER misunderstood. Ameren, do not speak for us.  You do not represent us.   We are completely capable of doing that for ourselves. We get it. We read your Appendix B. We read the FERC order. We have read the new boundary line amendment. We understand completely, always have.

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